We have been shopping around for a new church bag. Being in Primary, we often carry lots of extras. Things like art supplies, snacks, our binder, stickers.... So the cute little bag I had sewn just wasn't cutting it anymore. Brad mentioned that he liked the Lands End bag that I have for work, so we decided to just order our new bag online. So I placed my order, being sure to order a gender neutral color (or Brad would refuse to carry it). A few days later our package arrives and boy oh boy what a surprise. This bag is
flippin HUGE! I had no idea I ordered such a large bag. When Brad saw it he just rolled his eyes and said "You sure have an issue with Size don't you?!?!" So there you have it. We are back to square one and still need a new church bag. As Brad says "We cant bring that thing to church, they will think we are moving in!"

Here is a side by side comparison of our two bags. Now if I can just find one right in between the two :)
"The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her." ~Marcelene Cox
This post was too funny :) I carry one of those freakin' huge bags to church!!!! It barely fits all our stuff too!!! You guys should just start taking Grace and Jane with you and it will be perfect. Love you!
That had me laughing outloud. The photo really is hilarious.
umm. I'm speachless...
Thats hillarious! I understand...our bags are either too small or too large and we cram all of them to the brim anyways!!!
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