Thursday, April 22, 2010


Myles had his braces put on today!!! He should only have to wear them for 12-18 months.
Myles was all ticked afterwards and asked the orthodontist why he put them on so croaked :) The doc nicely explained that it is Myles' teeth that are croaked and not the braces.

I have started Myles on Ibuprofen, but I am sure he wont be a happy camper come morning. So feel free to FB Myles and rub it in that you can eat all the no-no's... apples, candy, corn on the Cob... that boy is going to be missing out!

2010 SLC Bike Tour

On Saturday 4/17 Brad, Myles , and I rode the SLC Bike Tour. We used the same route as the marathoners (26.2 miles). We had to start at 6am, in order to be off of the course in time for the runners. The morning started off a bit rocky, but ended great.

You can tell by this picture just how happy I am to be done riding :) Myles of course couldn't pass up the opportunity to ham it for the camera!
Here is a shot of us waiting at the TRAX station to get lift back to our car. The race went from the U of U, south to 62nd S, and then finished up at The Gateway. We don't ride together on long rides... Well Myles took a wrong turn and wound up lost in downtown at 615 in the morning. Thanks to Joe and Heather for getting him back on the course. Myles ended up doing 41 miles that morning, that shows just how off course he was!!

After going home and taking a nap we went shopping for vacation clothes for Brad. Apparently his legs took a beating on the ride, because he wanted me to push him in a cart at Kohl's :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Unwanted Spring Cleaning

This past weekend we had a little unexpected version of spring cleaning. Turns out that the outside water spicket has cracked. We didn't know this until using the hose this weekend. Turns out that water was spraying into the basement when the hose was turned on. I walked downstairs to do some laundry and stepped onto soggy carpet.

Myles and his friend Seth were tasked with using the shop vac to suck up the pools of water in the crawl space. Then they had to take all the soggy boxes outside to be sorted thru, dried or thrown away. Derick came over and helped Brad pull up the carpet in the family room. They then had to cut out the soggy carpet padding. And yes, this is where our entertainment center usually sits, so this was no small task.

Lucy was too funny. She refused to leave the action. She thought this was the most exciting thing to happen around her in months :)
The restoration company came and checked things out today. The good news is they will fix us up, good as new. The bad news is it wont be complete for 3 weeks.

So be sure to disconnect your hose during the winter so that this little adventure doesn't happen you next year!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Scrub-a-dub- Doggy

You know you live in a small town when a new gas station is BIG news! Well, this new gas station is the king of 'em all. It has a car-wash, store, restaurant, RV dump, propane, and ..... a Dog Wash! So of course we had to try it out. Grace was not so convinced that bathing a dog was what she wanted to do with her afternoon, but she was a good sport.

Lucy was nice and fresh for at least an hour after her spa treatment. After that she pretty much just smelled like an old dog :) Go figure!
So if you live in Lehi, be sure to support the new King of the Gas Stations!!