We hit the Bike Swap at the SL Fair Grounds on Saturday. What a madhouse!! We found some great deals on biking apparel and a new bike for me. Brad went head to head with another shopper for a bike that he really wanted... nope, the other guy wouldn't budge. So we ended up getting a bike for Brad at Bingham Cyclery. Brad got a Specialized - Sequoia. He is so in love with it I was surprised he didn't bring it into the bedroom a night! :)

I got a FELT z-90. Brad insisted that I name my bike, so let me introduce you to Big Bird. You can tell quickly how the name was inspired :)

After spending the day bike shopping we headed home for one of Myles' basketball games. This was the most intense game ever! The other team scored in the last seconds and won the game. But our team played an awesome game! I loved this shot of Myles in action.

Here is Myles scoring on a free-throw. There were fouls getting thrown around left and right!

After the game we dropped the kids off at Jump on It while we did the weekly grocery shopping. It always amazes me to see the tricks Myles can do on those trampolines! Then we came home for a late dinner and an episode of Man vs. Wild. So it was a very busy Saturday, but very productive.
Today after church we all mounted our bikes and rode over to Heather & Joe's house. We have just discovered that the Jordan River Parkway comes all the way down to Utah Lake. It is a perfect place to ride and is a great change of scenery.
Attention all ZUMBA enthusiasts!! Laura (the best teacher) is now teaching at Dance Academy on Main Street in Lehi. Classes are every Tues. & Thurs. night at 830pm. The drop in rate is $5 or you can buy a 10 class punch card for $30. I promise you will be addicted as soon as you try it!!
"When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses." ~Joyce Brothers
What time do you have to be to the class do you think?? Is it going to be packed? Oh and we need to get together. This sat we are chaperoning for the stake dance, so maybe the next sat??
As long as you are there 5 min. early you should be good. It isn't nearly as packed as when it was at the Legacy Center. Hope to see you there!!
i am going to my first zumba class this weekend!!!!!! can't wait!
Zumba look out here I come! See ya tonight.
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