Here is one of Myles swimming. It was an indoor pool, so the lighting was really bad. Zoom in on this and you can see how big his mouth is. That boy was serious!!

Here I am leaving the transition area and heading out for the bike portion of the race. Wow, I am looking foxxy in that helmet!!
Here is Myles running. You notice that he is running while others are still biking. That kid was kicking a** and taking names!

This is Myles after crossing the finish line. Have any of you ever seen Myles so tired!?!?! (It didn't last long.)
It's a whale, It's an elephant.... No, It is just April crossing the finish line! Can you see my "Peeps" cheering on the side of the picture. Thanks again to Heather & Joe (and the girls) and Becky & Derick (and kids) for being to awesome and coming to support us and cheer us on.

Myles rocked this race, finishing in 58 minutes. He came in 1st for the 14-19 age group and 5th place overall!! I finished in 1 hour 45 minutes. It was a great course. We lucked out and got the only sunshiny in a long spell of cold weather. Our next race is in June in Riverton. We are trying to convince Brad to compete in that one with us.
"A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties." ~Harry Truman
YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are so proud of you guys! your mama called and kept up posted on your triathalon. dennis wanted ne to tell you that he is so impressed and proud. good job!!!!
You guys ROCKED! I'm proud of Myles kicking serious ass and of YOU kicking serious ass too!!! Love you guys!
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