Saturday, July 12, 2008

Too Pooped to Peep

That is poor Brad's story today, he is Too Pooped to Peep!! He didn't get off from work until around 1pm today. He got home so late that he didn't want to sleep away his Saturday, so now he is in Zombie mode. We were at Arctic Circle tonight and he was standing in the hall waiting to use the restroom. He is standing there looking straight at us totally zoned out. We were making faces at him and laughing and I swear it was nearly a full minute before he noticed us. So he is laying on the couch now, waiting for me to blog, so I better make this short and sweet and get that boy to bed :)
Dad is moving up in the world and was allowed to have soup broth and a Popsicle for lunch today!! Scott was joking around telling Dad that he would smuggle some food into the hospital for him. Meanwhile, Mom called and asked for watermelon. I thought it was great that at least she wanted to eat something, so Brad and I headed over to visit with her for a bit.
This evening we helped clean the church. I felt a little rebellious wearing my iPod while vacuuming the chapel, but I think "The Big Guy" was ok with it, I am sure he likes Jimmy Buffett too :)

"Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive." -- Elbert Hubbard

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