April Jolley: whats that
Brad: are u sitting
April Jolley: yes
Brad: gus the II died in an industrial accident
April Jolley: lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April Jolley: an industrial accident huh, poor guy
April Jolley: i hope he had workers comp
Brad: and freddie the yellow fish escaped
April Jolley: What!
Brad: and was attacked bye a golden retriever
April Jolley: wow, sounds like this cleaning was a bit tense
Brad: yeah
April Jolley: lmao!
Brad: sorry to say neither died peacefully
April Jolley: lmao, oh my what a morning you have had
Brad: a rescue team could only find remnents of gus the II
Brad: no idea how long he was in there for
Brad: a rush biopsy has been sent out
April Jolley: you have rebecca and i rolling!
Brad: this is no laughing matter
Brad: your lack of respect haunts me
April Jolley: rebecca said we can still do their temple work lol
Brad: gus the II could use that
Brad: drinking is what got him in trouble in the first place
Brad went this afternoon and bought a new Gus (our Crab). We are now on our third crab, and yes they have all been named Gus :) Brad also got a sucker type fish and another colorful one to replace Freddie. So all is well again. I am just thankful he only has to clean the tank about every 2 months!!
Every now and then Brad gets so stinking funny while IM'ing me. A few months ago I was IM'ing with him and he offered to go to Kohl's shopping that night. So I asked "who are you and what have you done with my husband?" He quickly relied "I ATE THAT PLUMP LITTLE MAN!!" We still use that line at work. I was laughing so hard at the time that Rebecca (one of my accounting clerks) came in to see what was the matter. I let her read the message and now it is one of our favorite one liners :) Just out of the blue we will bust out with "I ATE THAT PLUMP LITTLE MAN!!"
"I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter." -- Winston Churchill
This is more than funny!!!
Okay, I used to be a very hip Mom and knew most of the lingo of the day, but I'm old now, so help me out here.... what does LMOA stand for?
Yeah Ape, tell her what it means :)
Seriously this was so FUNNY! Hopefully Brad will feed the dogs before he cleans the fish tank next time!
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