Ok, I am totally grateful to our Pioneers for all that they endured so that we can call ourselves Westerners, but do we really need a holiday for it?!?! Heavens to Betsy! Oh well I guess I am just bitter because I am working on this "special day". We are doing major updates on the servers today (how I ever ended up over IT is one of the universes great mysteries). So I am at work, unable to really work.. puzzling isn't it! I drug the kids along with me (kicking and screaming I might add, but that was at each other so not sure if it really counts). I have since gotten entirely tired of them and dropped them off at the dollar theater with enough money to keep them occupied through the long weekend :) So that is my freakin holiday so far, aren't ya jealous?!?!
Well I will just go ahead and entertain you with pictures from my work computer that you wouldn't normally see on the blog. (oh lucky you!!)
Here I am as one of The Village People. We sang YMCA for our company Halloween Karaoke contest.
Here we have Scott, my carpool buddy. Yes, working at AFA does seem to make one go a bit coocoo!

Here is my office decorated for my 30th B-day. I have always wanted a Princess B-day! :)
"One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important." -- Bertrand Russell
1 comment:
I'm going to send that quote to Seth for sure. He and I both worked today too, if it makes you feel any better.
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