Wednesday, July 30, 2008
False Alarm
Do you remember back when you were young and carefree and could go to sleep with no worries. Now we go to bed and listen for the children's breathing, intruders, the dogs, the cell phone... Then once you crawl into bed you lay there and second guess if you did everything on the way too bed like; Did I close the garage door, turn off the fish tank light, turn off the computer, set the alarm clock, lock up the house.... I tell you, it is a wonder we get any real rest as a adult!!!! I am exhausted just thinking about it!
"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I only lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three." -- Elayne Boosler
Monday, July 28, 2008
7 Peaks

The kids loved rocking their tube until they flipped. At least they were smart enough to flip clear of large cement corners!
"Brother, you would not believe what you can see from your knees" sung by Randy Travis written by Leslie Satcher
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Picnics, Pancakes & Pets

The kids played water games. And what better an activity in 107 degree weather!?!?
Saturday the kid-o's and I went to the Cub Scout pancake breakfast at the park. Poor Brad had just fallen asleep when it was time to leave, so no pancakes for him. The rest of the day we spent running weekend errands such as grocery shopping, the library, and laundry. I got the movie Cujo at the library because Brad had never seen it!! So we watched that last night. I could hardly remember the movie myself, but watching it this time around I felt so bad for Cujo. He was such a nice pooch before that pesky Bat had to go bite him and screw up every ones life!!
This afternoon Myles taught his first Family Home Evening lesson. He did great and was actually upset that he couldn't teach again next week. After dinner Brad and Evie and I took my car to the local car-wash (Brad had just finished getting off all the tar that some truck splattered me with, dumb old truck, ggrrr!) We weren't planning on taking Evie to the car wash with us, but she ran out the door so Brad just threw her in the back for a little ride. Well we have discovered Evie's greatest fear, yep the poor thing hated the car wash!! She jumped over both the back rows of seats and sat between us shaking like a leave the entire time!
We were planning on going to Seven Peaks Water Park tomorrow, but with the weather, it is looking highly unlikely. We are still keeping our fingers crossed, but I think the movie theater would be better suited for a family activity during Thunder/Lightening storms.
"Tough times never last, but tough people do!" -- Robert Schuller
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Holiday Shmoliday!
Here we have Scott, my carpool buddy. Yes, working at AFA does seem to make one go a bit coocoo!
Here is my office decorated for my 30th B-day. I have always wanted a Princess B-day! :)
"One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important." -- Bertrand Russell
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Educational Post
LOL = Laugh Out Loud
LML = Let Me Look
BRB = Be Right Back
TY = Thank You
WTF = never mind I wont go there (hehehe)
So there you have it Mom, oops did I type that, I meant those who might be wondering ;) that is supposed to be a winking smiley face in case you are wondering Mom LOL
"As you think so you are - As you Imagine so you become!" -- Unknown
Monday, July 21, 2008
Gus the Third

April Jolley: whats that
Brad: are u sitting
April Jolley: yes
Brad: gus the II died in an industrial accident
April Jolley: lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April Jolley: an industrial accident huh, poor guy
April Jolley: i hope he had workers comp
Brad: and freddie the yellow fish escaped
April Jolley: What!
Brad: and was attacked bye a golden retriever
April Jolley: wow, sounds like this cleaning was a bit tense
Brad: yeah
April Jolley: lmao!
Brad: sorry to say neither died peacefully
April Jolley: lmao, oh my what a morning you have had
Brad: a rescue team could only find remnents of gus the II
Brad: no idea how long he was in there for
Brad: a rush biopsy has been sent out
April Jolley: you have rebecca and i rolling!
Brad: this is no laughing matter
Brad: your lack of respect haunts me
April Jolley: rebecca said we can still do their temple work lol
Brad: gus the II could use that
Brad: drinking is what got him in trouble in the first place
Brad went this afternoon and bought a new Gus (our Crab). We are now on our third crab, and yes they have all been named Gus :) Brad also got a sucker type fish and another colorful one to replace Freddie. So all is well again. I am just thankful he only has to clean the tank about every 2 months!!
Every now and then Brad gets so stinking funny while IM'ing me. A few months ago I was IM'ing with him and he offered to go to Kohl's shopping that night. So I asked "who are you and what have you done with my husband?" He quickly relied "I ATE THAT PLUMP LITTLE MAN!!" We still use that line at work. I was laughing so hard at the time that Rebecca (one of my accounting clerks) came in to see what was the matter. I let her read the message and now it is one of our favorite one liners :) Just out of the blue we will bust out with "I ATE THAT PLUMP LITTLE MAN!!"
"I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter." -- Winston Churchill
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Weekend Wanderings
Saturday I picked up Myles in SLC from his YMCA Summer Camp. He had an absolute blast and cant wait to go again next year. He is supposed to get some pictures emailed to him, so I will insert those ASAP. While in SLC we got a little head start on school shopping. We went to the Nordstrom Rack and had a fun time picking out clothes. He is definitely acquiring his own taste, but it is still manageable. I do have to toot my own horn and say the first thing he chose to wear from the new clothes is the shirt I picked out. So good old Mom's taste isn't too bad yet! :)
Saturday night we had two neighbor couples over for games and strawberry shortcake (yum!!). We had a great time playing and getting to know our neighbors better. We have lived here a year and this is the first time we have had our next door neighbors over! Hopefully we can all get together again soon. (At Jack & Jill's next time, right Becky!)
This evening we drove up to Murray to pick up Shakierra. So since we were going that way we figured we would hit the dog park. Well the dang park was closed (who knew they could have operating hours at a Park?). So we improvised and took the dogs to a school instead. They had a blast running and chasing birds. They are both past out right now, so the running did them good :)
We got the kids to bed early tonight (little whiny butts!) and then Brad and I watched "Dear Frankie". It was really good, a little sad, but a sweet movie. Hopefully we can make it to see the new Batman movie sometime this week. Did anyone see it, how was it?!?!?
"Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can't build on it; it's only good for wallowing in." -- Katherine Mansfield Forbes
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Good Samaritan
By the time I got home I just wanted to enjoy the cool AC. So Brad sat with me while I ate a microwave burrito and then we snuggled down to watch "The Bone Collector". Brad had to head to work before the movie was over, but I got to stay all cozy on the couch. So all in all today was a great day. Didn't get all the things accomplished tonight that I had hoped, but I had it pretty darn good!
ok- another song for our daily quote, but hey it is soooo appropriate :)
"Have I done any good in the world today? Have I helped anyone in need?Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad? If not, I have failed indeed. Has anyone’s burden been lighter today Because I was willing to share? Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way?When they needed my help was I there?
[Chorus]Then wake up and do something more
Than dream of your mansion above.
Doing good is a pleasure,
a joy beyond measure,
A blessing of duty and love.
There are chances for work all around just now, Opportunities right in our way. Do not let them pass by, saying, “Sometime I’ll try,”But go and do something today.’Tis noble of man to work and to give; Love’s labor has merit alone. Only he who does something helps others to live. To God each good work will be known."--
Text and music: Will L. Thompson, 1847–1909, alt.
James 1:22, 27
Alma 9:28
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
How we came to Be
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Medical Updates
Not much else happening around here other then visiting Dad. I am blessed to have a flexible enough job that I was able to leave work and spend most of the day with Dad and Mom. We even got Dad to play several hands of Phase Ten (now there's a journal entry moment!!)
On another positive medical note! Mom's white blood cell count before Chemo was about 100,000. Her blood work this week showed her count down to 5,000!! Incredible!! So things maybe extremely gnarly for a spell after treatment, but it is really working!!!!
Well I am off to bed. I am so freaking tired. I don't know what my deal is lately but I cant get over being tired. So nightly night y'all :)
"You don't tug on superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off an ole lone ranger
And you don't mess around with Jim" -- Jim Croce
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sunday Summer Happenings

We went fishing at Mirror Lake in the Uintas. It was a beautiful afternoon up there. Each kid caught a small fish, thank goodness nothing big enough to bring home. Oh I mean, schucks I really wanted to bring home a stink old fish :)

After fishing we dropped Myles off at his YMCA Adventure Camp. He is going to have a blast this week. He is doing everything from Scuba, Mountain Climbing/Repelling, White Water Rafting, etc etc... His counselor's name is Ali and he is from Britain. I think that will be cool for Myles to learn a little about another country from him.

Dad is still in the hospital. We are keeping our fingers crossed that they let him come home tomorrow. He seems to be feeling better, but more tests tomorrow will tell us more. But you know what they say, a colonoscopy is NOT fun way to start off your week :) So good luck tomorrow Daddy, hope you finally get out of there and get to eat solids again soon!!
"Put your shoulder to the wheel; push along, Do your duty with a heart full of song, We all have work; let no one shirk. Put your shoulder to the wheel." -- Will L Thompson (LDS Hymn book)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Too Pooped to Peep
Dad is moving up in the world and was allowed to have soup broth and a Popsicle for lunch today!! Scott was joking around telling Dad that he would smuggle some food into the hospital for him. Meanwhile, Mom called and asked for watermelon. I thought it was great that at least she wanted to eat something, so Brad and I headed over to visit with her for a bit.
This evening we helped clean the church. I felt a little rebellious wearing my iPod while vacuuming the chapel, but I think "The Big Guy" was ok with it, I am sure he likes Jimmy Buffett too :)
"Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive." -- Elbert Hubbard
Friday, July 11, 2008
Hospital Happy!
Poor Dad drove himself to the ER last night thinking he had appendicitis. But as he put it "No, It couldn't be that easy!" The poor guy has a major bacterial infection in his large intestine. So he is only allowed water and is getting heavy duty antibiotics via an IV. The good news is that the doctor doesn't think surgery will be necessary. Whew!!
Mom had another round of Chemo this week. So while Dad is in the hospital she is at home going thru hell. Like worshiping the toilet bowl isn't bad enough without worrying about your spouse in the hospital.
So it turned out to be really good timing that I had already scheduled to have today off, since Myles was flying home today. We were able to watch Jane and Grace while Heather went to go check on Dad. Myles got home safely :) He was a bit tired, but we are happy to have him home!!
For tonight's quote I will give you one from my work week. I had a bit of a blow up with our IT company. It seems that I keep too-good documentation and that really pissed them off that I had things in writing to back up everything I was ripping into them for. So this was my account managers response to me
"Working with you is so much more difficult because everything I put into writing has to be the truth."
WOW!! I had to really control myself to wait to laugh until I got off the phone. I was thinking to myself, "what, do you just write BS emails to your other clients!?!?!" So there you have it, I am darn difficult to deal with, what with all my high morals and all!!!!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Crazy Chicken

"Common looking people are the best in the world: that is the reason the Lord makes so many of them." -- Abraham Lincoln
Monday, July 7, 2008
Another Day in Paradise
I think I laughed harder this past weekend then I have in months. I don't even remember half of the things that Brad and I were cracking up about all weekend, but something definitely struck our "funny bones"! I think we were just in a delirious state while we were kid-free! At dinner last night I was laughing so hard I had tears!!
Observation: I have had iTunes on party shuffle while I have been on the computer tonight and I swear nearly every-other song is by Don Williams. His voice is like "coming home" and his music is timeless. Well the Don just finished and now it is 50-Cent, thanks Myles! :)
"Every so often, I like to stick my head out the window, look up, and smile for a satellite picture." -- Steven Wright
Sunday, July 6, 2008
"Now Let Us Rejoice" - text by William W Phelps, Music by Henry Tucker
Now let us rejoice in the day of salvation. No longer as strangers on earth need we roam. Good tidings are sounding to us and each nation, And shortly the hour of redemption will come,
When all that was promised the Saints will be given, And none will molest them from morn until ev'n, And earth will appear as the Garden of Eden, And Jesus will say to all Israel, "Come home"
We'll love one another and never dissemble But cease to do evil and ever be one. And when the ungodly are fearing and tremble, We'll watch for the day when the Savior will come.
When all that was promised the Saints will be given, And none will molest them from morn until ev'n, And earth will appear as the Garden of Eden, And Jesus will say to all Israel, "Come home"
In faith we'll rely on the arm of Jehovah To guide through these last days of trouble and gloom, And after the scourges and harvest are over, We'll rise with the just when the Savior doth come.
Then all that was promised the Saints will be given, And they will be crown'd with the angels of heav'n, And earth will appear as the Garden of Eden, And Christ and his people will ever be one.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy B-Day Myles!!!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear MYLES
My favorite little person is officially a teenager today!!!! Myles is in Hawaii celebrating his 13th B-Day (the lucky dog!) Meanwhile we will settle for a few hours at the the local public pool.

Myles has delivered 13 years of excitement so far. Everything from stomach surgery at a month old (he had Pyloric Stynosis), getting kicked out of day care centers (yes, that is supposed to be plural), emergency room visits (less then you would actually expect from him), endless sporting events (I think the only sport he hasn't tried is figure skating), to making us bust a gut laughing on a regular basis!

Love you tons buddy! Miss you!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I was pleased when I finished my survey tonight. I can honestly say that this past year we have made great improvements in our family. We have worked through personality conflicts, tempers, wants vs. needs, humility... and moved further ahead in greater acceptance of each member of the family as an "Individual", giving more than we take, and unconditional love. I will be the first to admit that we are far from the "picture perfect" family. But we are giving the Cleaver's a run for their money :)
"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." -- Robert Frost
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
We got caught!!

Summer gets busy and you stay out later, so getting up and ready for church by 9am on Sunday has been a bit of a challenge for us. So of course our inspired Bishopric showed up for an impromptu visit this evening to make sure we were still alive. So yep, we got caught sluffing church :(
Myles got off to Hawaii without a major air-traffic-control incident (whew!). He is so funny how he will just talk to anyone in the airport. I just stand there in line with him, meanwhile he is getting to know the life-story of several other travelers. Then once we get to his gate he went up and asked for a better seat assignment. When he returned to where I was sitting I asked why he had done that. He very seriously says "I needed more leg room so I got a seat on the front row." I had to control myself not to bust out laughing!! The dude is 5 feet tall and he "needs more leg room"! He never ceases to amaze me!!
"Shopping is a woman thing. It's a contact sport like football. Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death, and the ecstasy of the purchase." -- Erma Bombeck