Sunday, January 25, 2009


Another pleasant weekend is coming to an end. We didn't do anything too exciting, just the normal weekend chores and shopping. This evening we have all been playing on the Wii. It has been a nice quiet Sunday around our house, for which I am grateful.

Brad is back on the Extra Board at work. Con-way has cut back on some day runs, so those guys that had more seniority bumped Brad off his current shift. So we are back to no official schedule. Brad just has to go in whenever they call and need him. This means he will most likely be working every Sunday now. So we are bummed about the abrupt charge to our routine around here, but are thankful that he is still employed. With the economy as it is we are counting employment, no matter how stressful, a big blessing!

I have been going thru an IRS Audit at my work. We finished that finally and have passed with flying colors! I did a huge happy-dance when I got this good news. I have been through Audits before, but never an IRS one. (Talk about stress!!)

Mom should be coming home from the hospital tomorrow. When they did her surgery they discovered that what they had thought was a "growth" was a piece of bone that had broken off of her hip and then drifted down to her thigh and began to fester and grow. So they cleaned out the piece of bone and had to clean up the hip bone where the piece broke off from. The bone marrow was exposed and is heavily infected. So she is on mega-antibiotics to fight this. Even though they are sending her home soon she will need to be on the IV antibiotics for a minimum of 6 weeks! They will do another CT Scan in a few weeks to make sure the drugs are having the hoped effect and that the bone marrow is healing up. So keep her in your prayers, she isn't out of the woods yet.

"Let us wipe out the past, trust in the future, and rejoice in the glorious Now."-- William R. Evans III

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