Today was a historic day for America. No matter your political beliefs, this is a day that will go down in history books. I think Pres. George W. Bush did the best he could with the circumstances that unfolded during his presidency. And while I definitely have some differing opinions and beliefs then our new President, I firmly believe in supporting the person that fills that role. So congratulations to President Barack Obama!

I am proud to be an American, where truly anything is possible if you put your mind to it. I am thankful to raise our children in this society. As wacky as things seem at times, I wouldn't choose to live anywhere else. God Bless America!!!
"I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him." -- Abraham Lincoln
Amen sister! I am hopeful for President Obama. We definitely need something different than what we've had, although I agree that President Bush did have a crapload of, well, crap, on his plate to deal with and he did his best.
What a great picture. I love the unity!
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