Brad..Brad Who? That name sounds vaguely familiar. I think he a ghost in the night. The only time I get to see my sweet hubby lately is at the crack of dawn. Usually he is just dozing off to sleep right about the time my alarm goes off. So we are more then happy to see the weekend approaching. It will be so nice to actually spend a little time together. :)
Myles is still undecided on whether to go with the scouts Ice Fishing tomorrow. To me that sounds like hell! I really don't like fishing (Brad.. ignore that last comment) and being cold is miserable. So the fact that he is even considering going gets props in my book.
The Triathlon that Myles and I were going to do in March has been canceled. I am ticked off! I know there are lots of other ones, but this had the shortest swim. So dang it all, I am tempted to park myself a baskin robbins and eat until I feel better :)
"Fishing is boring, unless you catch an actual fish, and then it is disgusting." ~Dave Barry
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Mom is very happy to be home from the hospital. But like I mentioned before, she will need IV antibiotics for a minimum of 6 weeks. So last night a group of us got a lesson in flushing and hooking up her meds. It is amazing how far medical technology has come. That large pearl-looking ball clipped to Mom's pj's is the medicine. The ball is pressurized and will release the meds over the proper amount of time. She has a 1 hour dose every morning and another 1 hour dose and a 1.5 hour dose at night. She will have a nurse coming once a week to change her port, so we wont have to mess with that.
Dad got to do the actual work last night while the rest of us watched and took mental notes. If you know my Dad very well then you know he is very squeamish around blood. Just pushing the saline flush into Mom's port last night Dad was saying he was going to pass out. But he pulled thru with flying colors!
"Nurses are angels in comfortable shoes." ~Author Unknown
"Nurses are angels in comfortable shoes." ~Author Unknown
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Another pleasant weekend is coming to an end. We didn't do anything too exciting, just the normal weekend chores and shopping. This evening we have all been playing on the Wii. It has been a nice quiet Sunday around our house, for which I am grateful.
Brad is back on the Extra Board at work. Con-way has cut back on some day runs, so those guys that had more seniority bumped Brad off his current shift. So we are back to no official schedule. Brad just has to go in whenever they call and need him. This means he will most likely be working every Sunday now. So we are bummed about the abrupt charge to our routine around here, but are thankful that he is still employed. With the economy as it is we are counting employment, no matter how stressful, a big blessing!
I have been going thru an IRS Audit at my work. We finished that finally and have passed with flying colors! I did a huge happy-dance when I got this good news. I have been through Audits before, but never an IRS one. (Talk about stress!!)
Mom should be coming home from the hospital tomorrow. When they did her surgery they discovered that what they had thought was a "growth" was a piece of bone that had broken off of her hip and then drifted down to her thigh and began to fester and grow. So they cleaned out the piece of bone and had to clean up the hip bone where the piece broke off from. The bone marrow was exposed and is heavily infected. So she is on mega-antibiotics to fight this. Even though they are sending her home soon she will need to be on the IV antibiotics for a minimum of 6 weeks! They will do another CT Scan in a few weeks to make sure the drugs are having the hoped effect and that the bone marrow is healing up. So keep her in your prayers, she isn't out of the woods yet.
"Let us wipe out the past, trust in the future, and rejoice in the glorious Now."-- William R. Evans III
Brad is back on the Extra Board at work. Con-way has cut back on some day runs, so those guys that had more seniority bumped Brad off his current shift. So we are back to no official schedule. Brad just has to go in whenever they call and need him. This means he will most likely be working every Sunday now. So we are bummed about the abrupt charge to our routine around here, but are thankful that he is still employed. With the economy as it is we are counting employment, no matter how stressful, a big blessing!
I have been going thru an IRS Audit at my work. We finished that finally and have passed with flying colors! I did a huge happy-dance when I got this good news. I have been through Audits before, but never an IRS one. (Talk about stress!!)
Mom should be coming home from the hospital tomorrow. When they did her surgery they discovered that what they had thought was a "growth" was a piece of bone that had broken off of her hip and then drifted down to her thigh and began to fester and grow. So they cleaned out the piece of bone and had to clean up the hip bone where the piece broke off from. The bone marrow was exposed and is heavily infected. So she is on mega-antibiotics to fight this. Even though they are sending her home soon she will need to be on the IV antibiotics for a minimum of 6 weeks! They will do another CT Scan in a few weeks to make sure the drugs are having the hoped effect and that the bone marrow is healing up. So keep her in your prayers, she isn't out of the woods yet.
"Let us wipe out the past, trust in the future, and rejoice in the glorious Now."-- William R. Evans III
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Children are a Blessing
Children are a Blessing!! Children are a Blessing!! That is what I have to keep chanting in my head to keep from beating the snot out of Myles. This is actually a pretty funny story, but man, I could do with out all of the drama!
So today Myles went with his school to UVU on a field trip. Myles, being the class clown, made a poor attempt at making all of his classmates laugh. He walked right into a parking booth gate (you know that pole/arm thing the goes up and down). He thought is was rubber and would snap back and hit him and he could be all dramatic about it and everyone would laugh and say how funny he was. But it didn't exactly play out as planned. Instead the beam snaps clean off!! So I get a call that I must go to UVU immediately and deal with the Campus Police and see what charges and restitution there will be. Yes, I said charges!!! Well turns out the one he broke is actually for the Institute parking and so technically it was on Church property not school property (Well that took the wind out of the little police man's sails!) The Director of the UVU Institute, Bro. Lund, saw the situation for what it was... a poor choice, but still an accident. So no charges will be filed. When they are ready to repair the parking gate they will call Myles to come and help. Can you say DRAMA!!!
Poor Myles was really worked up about all this. He felt terrible and I think he learned a good lesson. But the entire time I am sitting there going between wanting to throttle him for being a goon and wanting to laugh at the idiocy of the entire situation.
So that was my morning. Driving from Lehi to Sugar House to Orem and then back to Sugar House. I had Myles come back to work with me for the day. He was very well behaved all day, that is how I know for sure this all really got to him :)
Mom is back in the Hospital. She is having a cyst drained on the back of her upper thigh. It has been growing at an extreme rate and causing her a world of discomfort. She went in this morning planning to have the surgery today. But too many emergency surgeries took priority and her surgery got bumped to tomorrow. The poor gal hasn't eaten since dinner yesterday and they wont let her eat still since they aren't sure what time her surgery will be at!! Myles marched to the nurses station and gave them what for and they promised to double check to see if she could eat anything. He then promised to smuggle food to Grandma from the vending machines, but she was a good little patient and refused the contraband! So hopefully by lunchtime tomorrow she will have less pain in her leg and a full tummy!
"Seize today and put as little trust as you can in tomorrow." -- Horace
So today Myles went with his school to UVU on a field trip. Myles, being the class clown, made a poor attempt at making all of his classmates laugh. He walked right into a parking booth gate (you know that pole/arm thing the goes up and down). He thought is was rubber and would snap back and hit him and he could be all dramatic about it and everyone would laugh and say how funny he was. But it didn't exactly play out as planned. Instead the beam snaps clean off!! So I get a call that I must go to UVU immediately and deal with the Campus Police and see what charges and restitution there will be. Yes, I said charges!!! Well turns out the one he broke is actually for the Institute parking and so technically it was on Church property not school property (Well that took the wind out of the little police man's sails!) The Director of the UVU Institute, Bro. Lund, saw the situation for what it was... a poor choice, but still an accident. So no charges will be filed. When they are ready to repair the parking gate they will call Myles to come and help. Can you say DRAMA!!!
Poor Myles was really worked up about all this. He felt terrible and I think he learned a good lesson. But the entire time I am sitting there going between wanting to throttle him for being a goon and wanting to laugh at the idiocy of the entire situation.
So that was my morning. Driving from Lehi to Sugar House to Orem and then back to Sugar House. I had Myles come back to work with me for the day. He was very well behaved all day, that is how I know for sure this all really got to him :)
Mom is back in the Hospital. She is having a cyst drained on the back of her upper thigh. It has been growing at an extreme rate and causing her a world of discomfort. She went in this morning planning to have the surgery today. But too many emergency surgeries took priority and her surgery got bumped to tomorrow. The poor gal hasn't eaten since dinner yesterday and they wont let her eat still since they aren't sure what time her surgery will be at!! Myles marched to the nurses station and gave them what for and they promised to double check to see if she could eat anything. He then promised to smuggle food to Grandma from the vending machines, but she was a good little patient and refused the contraband! So hopefully by lunchtime tomorrow she will have less pain in her leg and a full tummy!
"Seize today and put as little trust as you can in tomorrow." -- Horace
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Historical Day
Today was a historic day for America. No matter your political beliefs, this is a day that will go down in history books. I think Pres. George W. Bush did the best he could with the circumstances that unfolded during his presidency. And while I definitely have some differing opinions and beliefs then our new President, I firmly believe in supporting the person that fills that role. So congratulations to President Barack Obama!
I am proud to be an American, where truly anything is possible if you put your mind to it. I am thankful to raise our children in this society. As wacky as things seem at times, I wouldn't choose to live anywhere else. God Bless America!!!
"I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him." -- Abraham Lincoln

"I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him." -- Abraham Lincoln
Monday, January 19, 2009
Myles and I are getting geared up for our first Triathlon of the season. He is all stoked to race with his new bike. I am excited to see him compete in his first Adult length race. We will swim 300 meters, bike 11.5 miles, and run 3 miles. I have only done one triathlon before and it was several years ago. So we are training hard to get ready by the end of March. Brad is being a good sport and training with us. But he thinks we must be missing a few marbles to want to actually do the race. So if you are game come and join us! You can check out all the info at
As many of you know we have a Biggest Loser group going. (Newbies to the group are always welcome.) So we have all been watching what we eat and working out several times a week. So with this "lifestyle change" I am trying to squeeze in a little extra calorie burnage whenever possible. So today I was in the kitchen at work zapping my Lean Cuisine, so I figure "Hey here are 3 minutes for a little extra burn." So there I am doing lunges in the kitchen .... and in walks a co-worker. He looked at me like I had two heads! :) Guess I should be a little more discreet about my impromptu work out sessions!!
"Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you're right." -- Henry Ford
As many of you know we have a Biggest Loser group going. (Newbies to the group are always welcome.) So we have all been watching what we eat and working out several times a week. So with this "lifestyle change" I am trying to squeeze in a little extra calorie burnage whenever possible. So today I was in the kitchen at work zapping my Lean Cuisine, so I figure "Hey here are 3 minutes for a little extra burn." So there I am doing lunges in the kitchen .... and in walks a co-worker. He looked at me like I had two heads! :) Guess I should be a little more discreet about my impromptu work out sessions!!
"Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you're right." -- Henry Ford
Friday, January 16, 2009
Freakin Clowns
Ok, I was all excited to get online and blog again. We got Myles' laptop hooked up to the Internet :) But I just typed half of my post and I hit something this dang machine didn't like, because...bleep it was gone. AARGGH! Brad's friend is going to clean and upgrade our desktop. He should be able to salvage everything. Hopefully the virus hasn't gone too far already.
I had the freakiest experience while driving to work the other day. I was scooting along the freeway and checked my rear view mirror (like a good little driver). To my total surprise there is a CLOWN driving the van behind me! I nearly wet myself and veered off the road all at the same time. To say that I hate clowns would be a drastic understatement. I detest, abhor, greatly dislike, am scared sh!tless of and just plain do not like clowns! I kept trying to change lanes so that this psycho clown wasn't behind me, but it seemed like an eternity before I could get over. I swear, I am so going to need therapy to get over this(well, ice cream at least)! To top it off the clown was driving a rapist-van. You know the type, utility van with all the windows blacked out. Yuck!! I am getting the creeps just telling you about it!
"Race your life away- but only towards Love, Joy, and Happiness." -- Jody Wright
I had the freakiest experience while driving to work the other day. I was scooting along the freeway and checked my rear view mirror (like a good little driver). To my total surprise there is a CLOWN driving the van behind me! I nearly wet myself and veered off the road all at the same time. To say that I hate clowns would be a drastic understatement. I detest, abhor, greatly dislike, am scared sh!tless of and just plain do not like clowns! I kept trying to change lanes so that this psycho clown wasn't behind me, but it seemed like an eternity before I could get over. I swear, I am so going to need therapy to get over this(well, ice cream at least)! To top it off the clown was driving a rapist-van. You know the type, utility van with all the windows blacked out. Yuck!! I am getting the creeps just telling you about it!
"Race your life away- but only towards Love, Joy, and Happiness." -- Jody Wright
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Not a Slacker
Our computer at home has a nasty virus, hence no new posts lately. Just wanted to let you all know that we hadn't fallen off the face of the earth. Hopefully we will be back up and running shortly.
Word to your mother!
Word to your mother!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Lazy Lucy

"The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too." ~Samuel Butler
-- This quote is dedicated to Brad and his Crocodile Hunter impersonations. Evie always plays the part of the wild and vicious animal he is wrangling :)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Back to the Old Grind Stone
We have had a fairly low-key weekend. As I type this the boys are playing Mario-Kart and Laughing non-stop at each other. (It is really cute!) This weekend we watched the NFL Wild-Card games, with great disappointment. My Colts wont be going any further, but on the upside, Joe's Eagles are movin' on up!!
Today we got a brand new class in Primary. We not only got new kids, but an entirely different age group as well (they will all be turning 5 this year). We were kind of worried about teaching the younger ones, but things went really well (sigh). We had a few minutes to kill at the end of class so we asked the children if there were any songs they would like to sing. Apparently we needed to be more specific and ask for "church" songs. One little fella hollered out that he wanted to sing "Shot through the Heart", well at least Brad and this kid both like Bon Jovi, at least they have that in common! :)
Myles had his first Jr. Jazz game yesterday. I think Myles is the tallest on this team (not usually the case). They actually played fairly well. Myles has improved his basketball skills considerably. The other team however was a full head about all of our team members. Needless to say we lost, but it was close, the score was only 57-14!!!! At least Myles just laughed this loss off.
I hope this week goes smoothly. I don't think I worked a complete week the entire month of December. I was either using up vacation days or off for the holidays. So getting back into the whole 5 day work week seems a bit daunting. So good luck to all you fellow worker bees out there!!
"When humor goes, there goes civilization." -- Erma Bombeck
Today we got a brand new class in Primary. We not only got new kids, but an entirely different age group as well (they will all be turning 5 this year). We were kind of worried about teaching the younger ones, but things went really well (sigh). We had a few minutes to kill at the end of class so we asked the children if there were any songs they would like to sing. Apparently we needed to be more specific and ask for "church" songs. One little fella hollered out that he wanted to sing "Shot through the Heart", well at least Brad and this kid both like Bon Jovi, at least they have that in common! :)
Myles had his first Jr. Jazz game yesterday. I think Myles is the tallest on this team (not usually the case). They actually played fairly well. Myles has improved his basketball skills considerably. The other team however was a full head about all of our team members. Needless to say we lost, but it was close, the score was only 57-14!!!! At least Myles just laughed this loss off.
I hope this week goes smoothly. I don't think I worked a complete week the entire month of December. I was either using up vacation days or off for the holidays. So getting back into the whole 5 day work week seems a bit daunting. So good luck to all you fellow worker bees out there!!
"When humor goes, there goes civilization." -- Erma Bombeck
Friday, January 2, 2009
Blog Printing??
I have been looking into how to print my blog to a book format. After all, this is as close as I will ever get to a journal. So it would be great to have a hard-copy to leave behind for when I am six-feet under. But printing is more difficult then I expected. I found one site that looked great, but it isn't compatible with Blogger. So I am back to square one. I have heard that Costco will print blogs. Does anyone know much about that?
Things should be back to normal tomorrow. Myles has been in NM visiting his Dad, but he flies home tomorrow morning. Brad is being great enough to to pick Myles up so that I wont have to miss Zumba yet again (I was dropping him off at the airport and missed last weeks class). We are looking forward to having the little monkey back home :)
"Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes the furthest is generally the one who is wiling to do and dare." -- Dale Carnegie
Things should be back to normal tomorrow. Myles has been in NM visiting his Dad, but he flies home tomorrow morning. Brad is being great enough to to pick Myles up so that I wont have to miss Zumba yet again (I was dropping him off at the airport and missed last weeks class). We are looking forward to having the little monkey back home :)
"Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes the furthest is generally the one who is wiling to do and dare." -- Dale Carnegie
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Party Like it's 2009!!
Happy New Year!!! Wow, can you all believe it is 2009 already. Sheesh!! Where does the time go?!?! We had a fun New Year's Celebration with a few families in our neighborhood. We played games, munched on yummies, and had lots of good laughs. I was just proud of myself for staying up past midnight :)
I have made an observation that is really bothering me. So please humor me and let me get this off my chest once and for all!! Good old Lehi's Tattoo Parlor now has a new owner. Well they have multiple posters up in the front window announcing the new hours, times, phone #, etc... My problem is that these posters are sloppy eye sores that look like a 2nd grader wrote them!! OK-if I were going to get something permanently written on my body, would I want some 2nd grader doing it... I think not! Aren't these people supposed to be Artist?!?! Seriously, don't they think of these things!!! OK, I will get off my soap box, but man some one needs to send this paragraph to the new owners!!
So on that subject... if you were to get a tattoo (or another tattoo) what would it be? I would get the All-Seeing Eye (the version from Tomb Raider). No worries Mom, that symbol is also on the SLC Temple too!! :) Brad wants to get something Chicago Bears related. Can't remember at this exact moment if it is the Bear of just C logo.
"Look deeper. See past the outside "stuff" and stare deeply into the part of each soul to that place that really matters! Often, "looking deeper" finds that ever-flowing well of irrepressible, renewable LOVE." -- Jody Wright
I have made an observation that is really bothering me. So please humor me and let me get this off my chest once and for all!! Good old Lehi's Tattoo Parlor now has a new owner. Well they have multiple posters up in the front window announcing the new hours, times, phone #, etc... My problem is that these posters are sloppy eye sores that look like a 2nd grader wrote them!! OK-if I were going to get something permanently written on my body, would I want some 2nd grader doing it... I think not! Aren't these people supposed to be Artist?!?! Seriously, don't they think of these things!!! OK, I will get off my soap box, but man some one needs to send this paragraph to the new owners!!
So on that subject... if you were to get a tattoo (or another tattoo) what would it be? I would get the All-Seeing Eye (the version from Tomb Raider). No worries Mom, that symbol is also on the SLC Temple too!! :) Brad wants to get something Chicago Bears related. Can't remember at this exact moment if it is the Bear of just C logo.
"Look deeper. See past the outside "stuff" and stare deeply into the part of each soul to that place that really matters! Often, "looking deeper" finds that ever-flowing well of irrepressible, renewable LOVE." -- Jody Wright
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