I am so glad it is Friday. With the snow storms I feel like I have either been at work or on the road to and from work 24/7. I will be more then happy to stay within a 5 mile radius of home this weekend. Tomorrow night we have the ward party and Sunday we are having a family Christmas dinner at the Alexander's. In between those parties I plan on going to Zumba, wrapping, baking, wrapping some more, and just plain relaxing.
BTW- Zumba is at the Lehi Legacy Center at 930am on Saturdays and at 8pm on Thursdays. for those of you who were wondering.
So I want to know how many of you couples out there in blog-world have a "song". Brad and My song is "Good Morning Beautiful" by Steve Holy. They don't play it on the radio often, but I heard it this morning (and smiled the entire time it was playing). So whats your song????
"The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!" ~Henry Ward Beecher
I don't think we have a song. Maybe we need to get one.
Myles is totally workin' the black eye. He told me that his girlyfriend planted a kiss on it for him :) Little Romeo!
Mine and Joe's song is, "Recipe for Making Love" by Harry Connick Jr. (I swear, it's not risque...it's cute)
See you tomorrow!
Okay, it's actually called "Recipe For Love" on playlist.com, which sounds much less kinky :)
Love ya!
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