Here are the pictures that I promised on yesterdays post. We had a productive day out and about. We took Myles' bike in to be adjusted for him, got a microphone for Guitar Hero, and ran other misc. errands. This evening we have been shifting between laundry, Guitar Hero, laundry, Mario Kart, laundry.... you get the picture :)
Here is Shakierra, Myles, and I decorating our attempt at sugar-cookies.

Here is a shot of one of our home-made pizza's. Not so yummy, but it was still fun to make.

After all of the stocking stuffing!
Me, more then ready to head to bed! We were waiting until we knew Myles was sound asleep before bringing in his new bike.
The much anticipated presentation of the bike!! (yes, he is blind-folded)

Shakierra and Guitar Hero!

Myles schooling all of us on the Guitar! This kid Rocks!!

Brad concentrating oh-so-hard while ricking out. It is much harder then it looks!!
So there you have it, our holiday in pictures! Hope you have all recovered for the festivities.
"If Rock 'n Rolling is a crime then throw my @%# in jail!" -- Guitar Hero
I love seeing all your awesome pajama pants! Brad, those are so killer pants you've got goin' on! This post made me hungry. Why wasn't the pizza yummy? It looks good.
Wish you guys were coming with us tomorrow. We're thinking of doing a cruise in a couple years. You in?
Guitar Hero is SOOOO freaking hard! At least Brad thinks I sing okay though :)
I love the quote of the day!
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