There is a reason that I work with numbers for a living. There is always a right or wrong. Things are black and white with no room (or need) for interpretation. I am comfortable in such a setting. I like the feeling of control and safety that numbers bring. So when this evenings baking project turned out like this....I just thought to myself "Well
don't quit your day job!"

Heather gave me dough starter for this yummy Friendship Bread. So we have been dutifully taking care of the dough for 10 days and then we just had to dump it in the garbage. The problem stemmed from my interpretation of "makes 2 loafs" in the text of the recipe. I always use the
smaller loaf pans. Well seeing all the dough I had I prepped a third pan as well. Well after cooking the bread for the full time I found it still bubbling over and soupy. Note to self, clarify loaf size before trying any new recipes!!
"I think housework is the reason most women go to the office." ~Heloise Cruse
You're hilarious!! At least you attempt baking for you family. That's what counts. Right????
Ape, you are a FABulous baker. Seriously. Your chocolate chip cookies are my ultimate favorite! And the banana bread dissappeared in minutes at breakfast yesterday. LOL. I'm so sorry that your friendship bread didn't turn out :(
Send me a starter! And I usually use 2 medium loaf pans instead of one large one, or 4 small pans.
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