Saturday Shakierra and I cleaned house all morning while Myles was at a Scout Pow-Wow. Saturday evening we had "dinner/game night". I always love game nights!! It was Dennis Tawny, Joe & Heather, Derick & Becky, and us. We played several intense rounds of Chicken-Foot until things started getting hostile :) so we thought we better break for dessert. Then it was on to Scattergories. We had some great laughs, but still kept it fairly clean. Then it was on to the Wii. Can't wait to do it again soon!!!

Today the boys braved the roof and put up the Christmas Lights!!!!! I love it when the lights start showing up around the neighborhood, it makes me feel so festive!! Myles was in "hog heaven" getting to monkey around on the roof!! He even offered to clean the gutters if he could stay up there longer :)
Evie has started having a potty problem lately. Our Home Teacher mentioned that their Greyhound wont pee outside once it gets cold. So maybe it is that with her being so freaking skinny she is too cold when she goes out to be able to finish her business. So we have bought Evie her first sweatshirt!! Brad says this officially puts us on a whole new level of "weird". He says that costumes were one thing, but actual dog clothes...well that is just plain c-r-a-z-y!!!

"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." ~Norman Vincent Peale
i love game night!!!!! it was soooo much fun!!!
Someday I hope dad and I can join a game night. It sounds like so much fun, okay maybe playing games with your old folks isn't on the top of your fun list, but stick us in with a few young'ns and we'll just blend in quietly.
Tell Evie I love her new sweatshirt, it really fits her beautiully, and has such a sporty look that compliments her personality!
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