Do you ever wish you could just call a Time-Out on life in general. That is exactly what I am wishing for tonight. I am in the middle of an awesome book, but don't have a block of time longer then 5 minute increments to read it!! (I know, boo whoo, poor little me.) But I totally feel maxxed out, schedule wise, right now. It feels like there is always something pressing to do or take care of. If I could just learn to function on no sleep I would be sittin' pretty!
"You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by; but some of them are golden only because we let them slip by." ~James Matthew Barrie
Don't you hate that sometimes things can be so slow and then others you don't even have time to breath! Why can't life be evenly distributed??? Can I help you with anything???
I hear ya sister! It seems like a stay at home mom like me should have oodles of time on her hands, but the only time I have to sit down and read is the 10 minutes while Joey is putting Gracie down to bed. :( What book are you into?
i totally know what you mean!!!!!! i have been reading the twilight series for 2 months now and i just started eclipse!!! sheesh! i need more time in my day!!! miss you!
My poor house keeps getting neglected because there is so much going on right now! It is a disaster in here! I want to hire cleaners/organizers!!
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