How about that Michael Phelps!!! That dude is amazing. He just keeps kicking butt and taking names, if you know what I mean ;) 10 Olympic medals is nothin' to shake a stick at!
I remember when I swam in High School (Go Lakewood Lancers!!), I usually had to compete in the Back Stroke due to the fact that I can not dive to save my life. Not to say that the back stroke didn't have it's obstacles. One time I was warming up in the shallow pool before a meet. So I grab the side and dive backwards in to start my dolphin kick and whamoo and I swear I cracked my tail bone! I was bleeding from my tail bone and it felt like someone had hit me with a bat. Then there are the lane lines to contend with.... I can remember more then one occasion where I am sure I broke my pinkie toe by kicking the lane line so hard. I swam because it was something I could do in-spite of my lack of coordination, but I just have a knack for injuring myself :)
Of course my brother Rob did out-do me in the injury department. He actually cut off his pinkie toe when he ejected off the wall and his toe was sliced by a broken light. Makes my bleeding tail bone sound kinda wimpy, thanks Rob!!!
Dennis and Rob played water-polo as well as swimming. I still love to watch water-polo. Myles is mesmerized when he watches it that they tread water the entire game. While watching it Sunday Myles asked "Are you sure not even the goalie has something to stand on?" He doesn't quite get it :)
So what sport did each of you play in High School?
"If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do all the rest have to drown too?" ~Steven Wright
I remember when I swam in High School (Go Lakewood Lancers!!), I usually had to compete in the Back Stroke due to the fact that I can not dive to save my life. Not to say that the back stroke didn't have it's obstacles. One time I was warming up in the shallow pool before a meet. So I grab the side and dive backwards in to start my dolphin kick and whamoo and I swear I cracked my tail bone! I was bleeding from my tail bone and it felt like someone had hit me with a bat. Then there are the lane lines to contend with.... I can remember more then one occasion where I am sure I broke my pinkie toe by kicking the lane line so hard. I swam because it was something I could do in-spite of my lack of coordination, but I just have a knack for injuring myself :)
Of course my brother Rob did out-do me in the injury department. He actually cut off his pinkie toe when he ejected off the wall and his toe was sliced by a broken light. Makes my bleeding tail bone sound kinda wimpy, thanks Rob!!!
Dennis and Rob played water-polo as well as swimming. I still love to watch water-polo. Myles is mesmerized when he watches it that they tread water the entire game. While watching it Sunday Myles asked "Are you sure not even the goalie has something to stand on?" He doesn't quite get it :)
So what sport did each of you play in High School?
"If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do all the rest have to drown too?" ~Steven Wright
You guys totally overshadowed me in the athletics department of HS. I played Lacrosse for one year but QUIT after that when I figured out that it was exercise. My favorite fitness activity in high school was definitely step aerobics. I think I took 6 total semesters of it and it was way fun...of course, you're WAY more coordinated and quick-learning at SA than I am. Sheesh! A little sister can't cut a break around here!
PS. You're the best sister ever. Thanks for taking care of my Janie. Love you.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that Michael Phelps is flippin' amazing! And that 4x100 free relay was the freaking most exciting sporting event of all time! (Maybe that's a bit strong...but it was AWESOME!) Love ya!
Track baby! I ran and did long and triple jump! I also did cross country skiing. So there you go, now you know!
When I was in HS (Go Lakewood Lancers!) There was no such thing as a "Sports Bra", so I hated every sport because my chest just got in the way or beat me to death. I know this may be TMI..... Sorry
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