My little Janie-La-Roo is turning One on Friday!! I can't believe she is already a year old. She is the sweetest little doll. It seems like just last week I was taking Grace to the hospital to meet her new sister. Grace was so cute and kept trying to feed Jane some crackers. Grace just couldn't understand why her new little sister didn't want to share her snack. Nowadays Janie graciously takes what snacks Grace will share with her :)
Well better news on the baseball front, they won tonight's game. But because it finished so late the snack booth was already closed for the night, so they will have to wait for their Snow Cones. Their coach buys them each a Snow Cone if they win. Isn't that a hoot!! (you will have to be familiar w/ Brian Reagan to understand the humor)
"Life is either a daring adventure , or nothing." -- Helen Keller
Tell Miles congrats! Your the man.
Thanks for thinking of Janie on her b-day :) The girlies love you so much.
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