Yes, we are still alive! We have just busy little bees, but not to worry nothing is wrong :)
Mom will be getting her first dose of Bone Marrow on March 5th. They will do 4 days of Chemo starting on 2/27/10, then one day of Radiation, one day of rest and then BM. It is going to be a really rough spell, so please keep her in your prayers. She has been eating better and seems to be getting a bit stronger.
Today is Shakierra's 14th birthday!! She will be at our house this weekend to celebrate. I even bought her some make up this year, guess it is time to accept that she isn't a little one any longer :)
A week and a half left until our St. George bike ride. I am getting way excited. Brad had been busy prepping each of bikes for the trip. He taught me how to change my tire in case of a flat, I don't know why I just can call for road-side-assistance :)