I went back to the doctor this past Wednesday because my sinus infection just doesn't seem to be getting any better. So this time they took x-rays of my face. The Dr. said things look fine but swollen. So she gave me a new allergy prescription and a steroid spray to take down the swelling in my sinus'. Well the x-rays were sent to the U of U hospital for a Radiologist to read them and make sure the doc didn't miss anything. Low and behold.. I still have a nasty infection!
Well Duh!! That is what I was trying to tell the darn doc!
So they called and told me I have Maxillary Sinus Disease. They are going to try another round of antibiotics on me. This round will last longer and be stronger then the last round. If that doesn't kick it, then I will have to see an ENT. I have polyps in my sinus' that are the major problem. As soon as I get any sort of infection and thus swelling the sinus' cant handle it because they are already dealing with the blockage form the polyps.
Myles is now on antibiotics because he has a sinus infection too. He has the worst cough at night. It keeps us all up when those coughing fits start up!
So steer clear of our house for a little longer. Never know when we will sneeze or cough on you!!
"A smart mother makes often a better diagnosis than a poor doctor." ~August Bier
Friday, February 27, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Man Vs. Wild
For Christmas Myles got seasons 1 & 2 of the Discovery Channel's "Man vs. Wild" from my parents. I had only seen a bit of one show before. This week we all started watching the show and it is a hoot. It is so amazing the things this guy, Bear Grylls, can make, eat or do in the wild. He is British, so it is a hoot to listen to him talk and hear how he pronounces things. Plus, he seems to have a real liking for getting buck naked on every show! Don't worry parents, they do blur the naughty stuff out. But we have started yelling out during the show "I think he is about to get naked!!"

"Red meat is not bad for you. Now blue-green meat, that's bad for you!" ~Tommy Smothers

So if you are looking for something new to watch give it a try. The worst thing, you could learn some new survival skills. (Though lets be honest, I will die before eating a live snake!)
"Red meat is not bad for you. Now blue-green meat, that's bad for you!" ~Tommy Smothers
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Nasty Cold Returns
Well it seems our reprieve from this nasty cold was short lived. We woke to Myles hacking up a lung this morning. So between all the coughing, sneezing, blowing our noses, etc. etc. we decided we better stay home from church. No sense going and spreading this lovely virus. So we had a mellow day at home. Brad and I read and each of the children stayed in their rooms listening to books on CD most of the day.
This evening Sis. LaFranca stopped by with dinner for us! I thought that was so very sweet. I cant remember ever having dinner brought to me. It was so great to have a warm yummy meal instantly appear! So, thank you so much to the LaFranca's for keeping this infected family nourished.
Myles and I have dental appointments first thing tomorrow morning. I am sure we will be just lovely patients, what with our snotting all over the place! :) But I didn't want to reschedule because getting the right time slot takes forever. Plus, the Dentist is one of Myles' favorite things...Seriously! He always asks if he can get the fluoride treatment twice because it tastes so good. I feel very lucky to have such a great dentist. So if you are in the Lehi area looking for a new dentist we highly recommend Dr. Ferrell.
"Just as being in jail or in exile will produce a loneliness of spirit in a human being, so, it seems, will captivity produce the same in a wild animal. Perhaps even dogs, the most domesticated of all domestic species, long for their original lupinelike freedom." -- Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
This evening Sis. LaFranca stopped by with dinner for us! I thought that was so very sweet. I cant remember ever having dinner brought to me. It was so great to have a warm yummy meal instantly appear! So, thank you so much to the LaFranca's for keeping this infected family nourished.
Myles and I have dental appointments first thing tomorrow morning. I am sure we will be just lovely patients, what with our snotting all over the place! :) But I didn't want to reschedule because getting the right time slot takes forever. Plus, the Dentist is one of Myles' favorite things...Seriously! He always asks if he can get the fluoride treatment twice because it tastes so good. I feel very lucky to have such a great dentist. So if you are in the Lehi area looking for a new dentist we highly recommend Dr. Ferrell.
"Just as being in jail or in exile will produce a loneliness of spirit in a human being, so, it seems, will captivity produce the same in a wild animal. Perhaps even dogs, the most domesticated of all domestic species, long for their original lupinelike freedom." -- Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Blood Status= Infected
I was scheduled to go in to the Red Cross and give blood again tomorrow. So when they called to remind me today I figured I better ask about being on antibiotics. So now my blood isn't good enough for them!! Like I am a leper or something! No, it's all good. I just rescheduled for next week. By then I will be off the meds and should be all clear of my sinus infection. So I get a weeks reprieve from the needle!!
I really like the new Toyota Venza. so on the way home from work today I stopped and took a test drive. I drove both the Venza and the Highlander. While they were both great cars, I still love my Sequoia!! I have been so spoiled, nothing lives up to my beast of a car. So I got the new car bug out of my system for a while. I will have to take the old white behemoth for a spa treatment (aka Car Wash) for treating me so well all these years! :)
"Never do anything that you wouldn't want to explain to the paramedics." ~Author Unknown
I really like the new Toyota Venza. so on the way home from work today I stopped and took a test drive. I drove both the Venza and the Highlander. While they were both great cars, I still love my Sequoia!! I have been so spoiled, nothing lives up to my beast of a car. So I got the new car bug out of my system for a while. I will have to take the old white behemoth for a spa treatment (aka Car Wash) for treating me so well all these years! :)
"Never do anything that you wouldn't want to explain to the paramedics." ~Author Unknown
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Catch Up
We have been keeping things below the radar lately, hence the lack of blogging. We have all had a nasty cold for at least a week now. I finally went to the doctor on Friday and got antibiotics for my sinus infection. (Ah..the miracle of drugs!!) But we are feeling good and ready to greet the world once more!
We had a fun family get together on Saturday afternoon for Shakierra's 13th Birthday. We enjoyed cake, great presents (thanks for all the treats), and lots of fun on the Wii. We even went out this weekend and bought an additional remote, so now 3 people can race on Mario Kart at the same time.
Monday all four of us went and toured the new Draper LDS Temple. It was a great family activity. The temple was very beautiful and peaceful. And the kids liked it because the had free cookies at the end of the tour :)

Brad wanted to contribute to the blog this evening. So here is a lovely picture of a Con-way truck. Brad has worked for Con-way for over a year now. So...keep on truckin!!
"Now keep your foot hard on the peddle, son, never mind them brakes
Let it all hang out 'cause we've got a run to make" -- Jerry Reed
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Last night we did something that made me feel more Redneck than ever. We have had our old garage door opener sitting on the side of our drive way for a couple of months now. When we had it changed they left it there, and then the snow came and just now has finally melted off. So last night Brad tied the old rusty/greasey garage door opener to the hitch of my car and we drug it to a nearby dumpster. You had to be there, but it was pretty dang funny. I was so worried that someone would see us and think we were total rednecks (but then I go blog about it, go figure)!
I know, I know, we really need to get out more!
I have been fighting a nasty cold all week. So I am going to go drop Myles off at the gym and then skip out on aerobics. I have been taking mega vitamin C, but this bug just wont go away. Myles on the other hand nearly passed out when I mentioned skipping the gym. So I will drop off the little Gym Rat and then come home and enjoy a quiet bubble bath. Calgon take me away!!
"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." ~Confucius
I know, I know, we really need to get out more!
I have been fighting a nasty cold all week. So I am going to go drop Myles off at the gym and then skip out on aerobics. I have been taking mega vitamin C, but this bug just wont go away. Myles on the other hand nearly passed out when I mentioned skipping the gym. So I will drop off the little Gym Rat and then come home and enjoy a quiet bubble bath. Calgon take me away!!
"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." ~Confucius
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Yes, I confess, I am a shoe-aholic!! This afternoon after church Brad had to work. So since I had some time to kill I thought I would go shoe shopping. I have a $10 off coupon for Famous Footwear. I have great black heels, but my black flats are old and really uncomfortable. So I rationalized that I "needed" new shoes. So there I am perusing the shelves of shoes and I see a cute pair to try on. I get one shoe on and think "hey these look really familiar..... hey don't I already have these shoes??" So I come home and yepper, I had that very same shoe already. I guess I already took care of my uncomfortable black flats problem, and then forgot to actually wear them!!! Oh and BTW, while check my shoe inventory I found another brand new pair of shoes I had totally forgotten about! So yes, I guess it is time to clean out my shoe shelves!
Brad and I had a wonderful date last night. We saw "Taken" and give it two-thumbs-up. We waited forever, but finally got seated and had a delicious dinner at PF Changs. Then of course we had BR.
Now Myles is back from visiting with his Dad and we are about to have a crazy Mario Kart Tournament. (Not sure why I bother, I never win) :)
"The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for."-- Maureen Dowd
Brad and I had a wonderful date last night. We saw "Taken" and give it two-thumbs-up. We waited forever, but finally got seated and had a delicious dinner at PF Changs. Then of course we had BR.
Now Myles is back from visiting with his Dad and we are about to have a crazy Mario Kart Tournament. (Not sure why I bother, I never win) :)
"The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for."-- Maureen Dowd
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Lady Lioness

"Next time you're mad, try dancing out your anger." ~Sweetpea Tyler
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
This and That
The last couple of nights I have logged in to write a new posting for the blog, but then I can never come up with anything noteworthy to tell you about. Life seems to just chug along day after day. I am not complaining. Sometimes no news is good news. But this is just a preface so that I can say that you have been thoroughly warned that this post guarantees absolutely no entertainment value! :)
I just got back from Mom's. She is doing well. She wont be running any marathons anytime soon, but we did make it to the living room to watch some TV. Baby-steps are great at this point. So good job on keeping your spirits up Mom! :)
Brad and I are going to have our Valentines date this weekend. We are looking for something fun to do. Any great ideas out there? Movies are good, but I never get to see him, so I would like something more interactive. So give us some of your great date ideas or else Brad will be subject to a night of pottery painting! :)
So the March 28th Triathlon is still on, Wahoo!! It turns out that the website I was visiting was actually for a sponsor who isn't going to be involved anymore. But the race is still on. So go to active.com to register. I am doing it just to get to write on my arm and leg with a magic marker (makes me feel so rebellious)!
"I don't understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon. "~Author Unknown
I just got back from Mom's. She is doing well. She wont be running any marathons anytime soon, but we did make it to the living room to watch some TV. Baby-steps are great at this point. So good job on keeping your spirits up Mom! :)
Brad and I are going to have our Valentines date this weekend. We are looking for something fun to do. Any great ideas out there? Movies are good, but I never get to see him, so I would like something more interactive. So give us some of your great date ideas or else Brad will be subject to a night of pottery painting! :)
So the March 28th Triathlon is still on, Wahoo!! It turns out that the website I was visiting was actually for a sponsor who isn't going to be involved anymore. But the race is still on. So go to active.com to register. I am doing it just to get to write on my arm and leg with a magic marker (makes me feel so rebellious)!
"I don't understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon. "~Author Unknown
Monday, February 2, 2009
How bout them Steelers!!
Was that a great Super-Bowl game or what?!?! By the end of the game I was biting on the neck of my sweatshirt. I was glad to see the Steelers win. The boys were rooting for the Cardinals, but just because they wanted to see the underdog take it. I think the commercials aren't living up to the hype. Used to be the commercials sometimes out shined the game, but definitely not the case this year.
So that dammed out rodent saw his shadow and now we are supposed to have 6 more weeks of winter. Phewey I say!! I want spring and I want it now!! So I say we have a do-over!! Let me have a few words with good old Phil, and believe me he will swear up and down not to have seen his shadow!!!
Well I am off to take Myles to the Legacy Center and then it is to the Elliptical for me. Happy Groundhogs Day!!
"Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"" ~Robin Williams
So that dammed out rodent saw his shadow and now we are supposed to have 6 more weeks of winter. Phewey I say!! I want spring and I want it now!! So I say we have a do-over!! Let me have a few words with good old Phil, and believe me he will swear up and down not to have seen his shadow!!!
Well I am off to take Myles to the Legacy Center and then it is to the Elliptical for me. Happy Groundhogs Day!!
"Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"" ~Robin Williams
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