This Saturday we were
ing for a Gracie fix. So Heather and Joe were more then happy to hand her over for most of the day. We had a full day of going to a church activity, lunch at
Rubio's, grocery shopping, laundry, a park outing.....

Grace would tell us each what horse we were allowed to ride. Then as soon as we got situated and teeter-tottering she would change horse assignments. (This went on for a LONG time!)

Grace did brave the slide solo. But the slide was hot to the touch, so she decided riding down on
Shakierra's lap was much better. At one point Gracie went over and sat on a bench and told
Shakierra to keep sliding and she would "just watch". So poor
Shaierra thought she was finally done climbing the ladder to the slide.. but oh no! Gracie wasn't about to let her off that easily. So
Shakierra was a good sport and kept going up the ladder and down the slide until Gracie was ready to move on to rolling down the grass hill. :)

This is how Gracie posed when I told her to "Smile pretty for the camera." Apparently at age 3 a "Smile" is a full-body action!!

And after our trip to the park the girls each had a cupcake. I think Grace was more interested in getting the eye-ball ring then the actual cupcake. She would pinch off some frosting and let Lucy lick it off of her fingers and giggle the whole time. It was too cute!!
Brad finally laid down to snooze on the couch while I did laundry. So when he woke up I had already taken Grace home. He was none to happy with me. I believe his exact words were "Why did you have to take her home? I wasn't done playing!" Does she have her Uncle Brad wrapped around her little finger or what!?!?!
Today was the Primary Program at church. So I was on the stand with our class during Sacrament today. They are a bunch of wiggle worms, but I guess at age 7 that is to be expected. Brad and I have been in Primary for about a month now and are actually really liking it. We have great kids in our class!!
Well I am making Jen's (sister-in-law) famous Pumpkin Parfaits for dessert tonight. So I am keeping my fingers crossed that they taste as yummy as when she made them. I will let you know how they turn out. (Just thinking about them makes my mouth water!!)
"A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault." ~John Henry Newman