Sunday, July 11, 2010

4th of July aka Myles' B-Day

We had a wonderful 4th of July Celebration at Heather and Joe's house. We had delicious food, crazy games, birthday presents, and beautiful fireworks. We were able to sit in front of their house and watch the Thanksgiving Point fireworks show.

We played the same games as our Memorial Day BBQ. So there was no shortage of laughs and blackmail photos!!!

Here is Dave, Joe's Dad, shaking it!

Here is little Micah. The kids love this one, cause even they can do it!
Mckenna was really getting into the booty shaking!
Here is William, he loved this game and kept asking to do it again :)
Cute little Tawny!
Rob has quite the shakin' skills!

And now for the pantyhose game. Here is Sri giving it her all!
Joe broke to the peer-pressure and played along this time around!
Rob doing his best to keep his balance :)
Dennis was all over this game!
And good old Grandpa even volunteered to start this game, too show everyone how it was done!!
It was wonderful to have so much family around to celebrate our nations birthday...oh, and Myles' too. We were even able to finalize Mom's headstone while we were all together. Cant wait to see how it turns out!

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