Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Roller Coaster

Our lives feel like a roller coaster these days. Here is a quick update for you to enjoy the ride with us :)

Mom's siblings are not a bone marrow match
A BM match is found on the international registry

Get a new dog
Give back the new dog

Brad gets a cold
Brad gets over a cold
Brad gets yet another cold

Myles has his ipod stolen
Myles asks how he can earn money for a new one (Wow... he didn't just ask me to buy it!!!)

So, lost of ups and downs. But on the whole we are doing great!!


Anonymous said...

Hi April;
How's your mom doing? I've left a couple FB messages and keep checking for news. If you have time, please let me know - you can find me on FB.
As always, please tell her I'm thinking of her and praying for her . . .
Carole Dubienny

Anonymous said...

What were you guys up to this weekend?
The get a new dog, give back the new dog thing is really funny. That must have seemed like deja vu to the Bradster. He's done that before!