Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Snow, Snow, Go Away!!

It was starting to snow when we left the gym last night, and I thought nothing of it. But then when I woke to a blizzard this morning I was nothin short of shocked!! So I knew it was going to take longer to get to get to work. But then as I was about to leave the gosh-dang garage door broke! So I had to drag Brad out of bed (poor guy had just fallen asleep). Now when I say it was "broke" I mean it, not even the emergency release would give!! So after quite a while of working on it Brad used a hammer to get the door dislodged from the chain so we could at least manually open the door. I know, this sounds drastic, but hell we had to get the cars out of there somehow!! So if anyone has a hidden talent of garage door maintenance knowledge... feel free to share the love!!
So I finally get out of there and on the road to work, but man the snow made traffic a freakin mess! It took me a full hour to get from my house to Bangeter HWY. So in all it took me nearly 2 hours to get to work. So I stayed late tonight to make up for the missed time.
So now you find me rambling about my pathetic day while I wait for my dinner to digest enough to safely mount the elliptical without tossing my cookies! I know...I really need to get out more :)

"When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap." ~Cynthia Heimel

1 comment:

Derick and Becky said...

Derick probably knows what to do. I will send him over when he gets home tonight if you want. Email me and let me know!