Monday, June 21, 2010

Great Dane

Say hello to Daphne, Lincoln, Peyton....well just say hello, we don't really know what her name is yet :)
I love this picture, you can tell she is totally thinking "ok tell this freak to lay off for a minute!"

She was exhausted after sniffing out her new home and meeting her sisters.
Brad and his baby! He is head over heels for this girl!
Whats-er-name and Lucy getting to know each other.
And there you have it folks. The crazy Jolley's got another four-legged family member. Leave a comment with a name suggestion!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day BBQ

This year's BBQ games came from the game show "Minute to Win It!" We played Junk in the trunk; where you have to shake out 8 ping-pong balls from a tissue box on your rear end, Elephant March; where you put panty-hose, with a baseball in the end, over your head and knock down gatorade bottles, ; We tried the can stacking one with no success, and the sorting game with 4 different colored M&M's. It was a riot to watch everyone concentrate so hard on such silly games.

Here is Shakierra doing the Elephant March.

And Jen marching away too :)

Here is Sadie shakin' it. The kids were best at this, I guess I just can't shake it like I used to!
Myles took all of these games very seriously. Maybe he can go on the show and earn money for college?!?!
We had lots of yummy food and great family bonding time, what more can you ask for?!?!
"It is one of man's curious idiosyncrasies to create difficulties for the pleasure of resolving them." -- Joseph de Maistre

Boys Will Be Boys

When the cat's away the mice will play... or in this case... When Mom's away the men-folk will play. This is the heart warming image that was texted to me while I was out of town for work. Brings a tear to this mother's eye...a tear of fear that is!

The boys went paint-balling and loved it! Now all Myles wants for his birthday is paint-ball gear. We are going to all go for his b-day, so if anyone wants to join the fight, I mean fun, then let me know :)