Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ruling the Rock-Wall

A few of us Biggest Loser Chicks attacked the Rock Wall at the Lehi Legacy Center this past Monday. Wow, it was sooo much harder then it looked. Then we all hit a Zumba class after climbing. Sheesh I am tired remembering all the sweating we did that night!!

Maria Peck, Becky Pulham, April, and Amy Easley

I promised Amy 'no booty shots". :)
Becky showing off some fancy harness skills!
Maria schooled us all in climbing!! Branden was a trooper and tried a couple of climbs even though she was going in for shoulder surgery today.

Our next team challenge is the rock wall. The past challenge was kick ball. I have pictures of that too. But things have been so crazy busy that I just haven't had time to get online and do posts.
Tomorrow is the big day...sinus surgery. I am so looking forward to having this done and hopefully feeling so much better. I will be sure to have Brad take some pictures tomorrow to share my lovely hospital glamor to all my fans! :)
"The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side." ~Margaret Carty

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nothin' Much

Nothing too wildly exciting to blog about tonight. But it has been a few days, so I thought I better at least make an effort at it.

Brad has been diligently biking each day and is now highly efficient with is pedals. I on the other hand still need a little practice. Monday night I went for a ride around the neighborhood and actually did pretty well...until Evie got involved. Lucy was running along with me while Evie towed Myles on his skateboard. We were almost home and Lucy ran off into the park to go frolic with another four legged friend. Being as she is deaf, of course calling her back really doesn't work. So I unclipped my feet and straddled my bike to take Evie's leash from Myles so that he could go catch Lu. I even wrapped her leash around my hand a few times to make sure I had a good grasp of it. Well Evie decided that she wanted to go and frolic too, and she wasn't going to let little old me get in her way. So she took off like a rocket!! I was pulled off my feet, my bike dragging between my legs, I land on the curb with my knee, and continue being dragged by Evie aka The Incredible Hulk. Finally the leash unraveled from my hand and I was free to lay on the ground and take inventory to make sure I was still in once piece. As if this little experience weren't enough on its own, their were of course people at the park looking at me like I had two heads. I am sure they were wondering how such a skinny dog could drag such a large gal!

"I loathe people who keep dogs. They are cowards who haven't got the guts to bite people themselves." ~Author Unknown

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Clipless Pedals

Brad and I made a large investment and a huge jump in the world of Cycling to Clipless Pedals. So we went out and spent a small fortune on biking shoes, cleats, and Speed-play pedals. The salesmen was great at explaining what to do and told us to be sure and practice in a secluded area before hitting streets with actual cars and other people. Sure no problem....yeah right!

We drove to AF to a route we wanted to ride this afternoon. We got geared up and set out to practice in the parking lot. Long story short, we never left the parking lot. We spent over an hour learning to clip and unclip ourselves as efficiently as possible. I only fell once. Poor Brad fell 4 times. When I would ride over to see if he was ok he was like, "don't worry about me, did my bike get scratched?!?!"

So we have promised ourselves to get in the saddle and work on this new skill everyday this week. Then hopefully by next week we can go for a real ride. So next time you see us and we have road-rash, that is why. Also, if you live in our neighborhood and happen to see us biff it and then flail wildly on the ground while trying to dislodge our shoes from the bike. Just wave and keep driving!

Brad and I definitely have a greater appreciation for those hard core cyclist. This new hobby is more of a challenge than either of us anticipated!!

"Get a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live." ~Mark Twain

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Room with A View

You know you are bored when you are taking pictures of yourself!! No, but seriously, my view here is beautiful. I see Red Rock Canyon (hence the name of the resort) and the pool area. The wind has been insane here. Yesterday I sat by my window and watched the life guards scurry after blowing lounge cushions and pillows. It was highly entertaining (as I mentioned, very bored). Classes have been very informative so far. I can already tell I will have a huge implementation list by the time I go back to work. They are keeping the class rooms very cold (I think it is to keep us awake). Maybe I will take a blanket to class tomorrow... can you image the looks LOL!!
Brad was home from Vegas less then 24 hours and his work sent him to Elko, Nevada for the rest of the week. So a huge thanks to Andrew for looking after our dogs yet again. The poor pooches probably think we have abandon them!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Las Vegas part-I

We have had a blast the last few days. But now it is just little old me still in Vegas. The boys flew home tonight. We have tons of pictures to share, so I thought I better get on the ball and start posting some ASAP. So sit back, relax, and enjoy these Kodak moments.

Here we are after Zip Lining through Bootleg Canyon. Total adrenaline rush!!
Here I am just hanging out!

Here is Brad-the-Bear in his harness.

Myles hamming it up it for the camera. What a shocker!!!

My men are armed and dangerous!!

Yeehaw!! Here we are on our Cowboy Experience.

Easter done "Vegas Style" - Yeah Baby!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Viva Las Vegas

Las Vegas....ready or we come!! Tomorrow Brad, Myles and I are off to Sin City. The boys will stay with me thru Monday evening and then return home. Then Myles will be jetting off to Tennessee to see his father. I will be staying in Vegas for an Accounting Software Conference. Shouldn't be too bad, might even learn something :) Even if I do have to sit thru classes all day long, the pool will still be there after class!

We have some fun activities planned for this weekend...not your average Vegas weekend. We will be horseback riding, riding a zip-line, and of course shopping at the outlets!! I am taking a laptop with me... So don't you worry, I will post pictures throughout the trip. (Oh, aren't you the lucky ducks!!)

Myles is a true teenager and that being said, will do anything to get out of school. He called me yesterday and explained that he really shouldn't be going to school on Friday "You know mom, It is Good Friday!" I about fell over laughing. The child doesn't even know what Good Friday is, but once he caught wind of it he was going to milk it for all it was worth.

I had my year doctors appointment this week and (drum roll please) I am down 11 lbs. from last years visit!! But my blood pressure was even higher (crap)! Apparently 153-104 isn't a "good" thing. Whatever! So they are going to start treating me for hypertension. I tell you...getting old is a real b****!

"Youth is a disease from which we all recover." ~Dorothy Fulheim

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Love me some SUNSHINE!

Oh how I love the sunshine!! These past two days have been absolute heaven. I have been happier and had more energy thanks to that fiery sphere floating above us!

Yesterday I went to the park to eat lunch. After eating I just laid on the grass soaking up some vitamin D and I had a funny thought. It was 54 degrees at my lunch break and I was laying there in a t-shirt and capris with my shoes off. Growing up in California I would have been like "What, its only 54 degrees, where is my parka?!?!" It is amazing what living thru a real winter will make you appreciate.

I wanna give a shout out to my niece McKenna. Happy B-Day!!! Oh to be 14 again...I remember wait a minute, I don't remember. I have completely blocked out my teenage years. So good luck to you little lady! Believe me there is life after being a teenager :)

"Dream Big,
What is the point of dreaming small? If you attain something, it wont be of any value to you. SO DREAM BIG. It wont always work out, but you'll be able to walk a little taller for having tried." -- Jody Wright

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Don't quit your day job!!

There is a reason that I work with numbers for a living. There is always a right or wrong. Things are black and white with no room (or need) for interpretation. I am comfortable in such a setting. I like the feeling of control and safety that numbers bring. So when this evenings baking project turned out like this....I just thought to myself "Well don't quit your day job!"
Heather gave me dough starter for this yummy Friendship Bread. So we have been dutifully taking care of the dough for 10 days and then we just had to dump it in the garbage. The problem stemmed from my interpretation of "makes 2 loafs" in the text of the recipe. I always use the smaller loaf pans. Well seeing all the dough I had I prepped a third pan as well. Well after cooking the bread for the full time I found it still bubbling over and soupy. Note to self, clarify loaf size before trying any new recipes!!

"I think housework is the reason most women go to the office." ~Heloise Cruse

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Routines are Good

Ever since Brad has been back working the extra board things have been anything but routine around our house. With Brad never knowing when he would be working it was close to impossible to plan anything. The poor guy would even get called in while we were at church. So it is with a great sigh of relief that he returns to his night shift. Now we can actually talk face to face, instead of always on the phone. We can even have dinner together as a family again. So it is with a big smiley face that I say Routines are Good!

This week is Shakierra's Spring Break. So she is at our house now for an extended weekend. It is always nice to get to have her around for longer then a quick weekend visit. Her and Myles have Spring Break at different times. That is one of the challenges with having kids in different school districts. But we try and make the best of it.

April will be a busy month for us. I will be gone for a week to Las Vegas for an accounting software conference (I know... you would rather gouge your eyes out). The weekend prior to the conference Brad and Myles are coming down to join me for a quick vacation. I can not even begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to the sunshine and warm weather. Then my nose surgery at the end of the month. And don't even get me started on how busy things are at work right now!

"For disappearing acts, it's hard to beat what happens to the eight hours supposedly left after eight of sleep and eight of work." ~Doug Larson